Official Website of Best Selling Author

My Story
Victoria Miguel-Joseph is a pseudonym created from the names of the my children and husband. Everything I do is for them. Therefore, it only made sense that my pen name was derived with my family in mind.
I was born in Augusta Georgia and attended Westside High School. It was at Westside, under the leadership of my Honors English teacher that I discovered my love and skill for writing. I attended Clark College in Atlanta Georgia but earned my degree from the University of Phoenix. While working as a flight attendant for a major airline, I began writing WHEN NEVER COMES AGAIN. The novel, based on actual events, is my first book. Completing WHEN NEVER COMES AGAIN was somewhat of a rite of passage. Writing was therapy for me. The book was something I had to write. Once you read the book, you’ll understand why.
I have many passions, so please take a look at VMJ’s Passions. I hope and pray that my passions can enlighten and inspire others or maybe bring a smile to someone. I also, implore those that can, to please make a financial donation to the causes mentioned. These non profit organizations are near and dear to my heart.
Metropolitan Atlanta area is where I reside with my husband of almost thirty years. We have four grown children, between us… two sons, two daughters and we have seven beautiful grandchildren.
Currently, I’m working on several projects including an epic murder mystery, a children’s book series and so much more.
Stay tuned…
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